Saturday, July 30, 2011

Everyone Should Write, Part 2

To blog, or not to blog?  That is the question.

Well, it is a question, but it is hardly the question.  Last week, I opined that Everyone Should Write.  Due to wonderful feedback from a number of different sources, I thought I would follow that post up with some additional thoughts (and questions).

In trying to explain how writing and starting this blog have been beneficial to me, I felt I was a bit bumbling with my reasons.  Thankfully, my good friend Steve Brooks came to the rescue by providing a comment which so eloquently (and succinctly) put into words precisely what I wish I had said:
"I have found that the more I write the more I think.  Then not only does it spur me to think more, it spurs me to think deeper and lastly to consider the importance of thinking correctly."
Writing  →  Thinking  →  Better Thinking

I then saw Steve at church where he grabbed me and very briefly encouraged me to expand my thinking where this blog was concerned.  I only remember him saying one word -- posterity.  (This reinforced the sentiment that Serenity raised in her comment following the same post.)

posterity  →  future generations

Writing is not a new thing for me.  I write all the time.  However, almost all of it is done in the course of my profession as an estate planning lawyer.  I draft wills, trusts, powers of attorney and the like.  People come to me, tell me what they have and then tell me who they want to have what they have when they themselves can no longer have it.  But when I read "I, Theodore Lougash, give all that I have to my nephew, Samuel L. Chilifoot", what do I really know about Mr. Lougash?  And what does the nephew really get except for "stuff"?  Surely someone with such an interesting name as Theodore Lougash had something more than just a house and money in the bank.  What was important to Mr. Lougash?  What did he know?  How did he know what he knew?  Getting an inheritance of money and property is nice, but you can't put a price tag on inheriting wisdom, character and glimpses into the very soul of someone you loved.

Which brings me back to writing.  Every word that you write may be precious gold to your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  What better place to start passing on your know-how to your digital-age descendants than a blog?

I'm pretty new to the blogosphere, so I'm still figuring things out.  I would love to hear from those of you who have been blogging for a while.  When you blog, how do you go about doing it?

My blogging hero is Michelle Hodge.  She is easily the most prolific blogger I know.  I would link her blog if I could, but it is so top-secret that only a select few are allowed to even see it.  That's how good it is!  Michelle has a full-time job, but must spend her other waking hours either taking pictures of her four young children or writing on her blog (which is about the successes, failures, joys and frustrations that she and her husband face raising their kids).  Michelle, if you are reading this, keep up the good work!  But really, how do you do it?

For the rest of you mere mortals, how do you approach your blog?  Are you active or passive in your blogging?  (Active meaning that you are always on the lookout for something to write about.  Passive being content to not write anything unless something grabs you, whenever that may be.)  Do you just post pictures of your kids or do you also share the fun stories that accompany the cute photos?

I like the blog dashboard here at Blogspot.  I enjoy working on ten different things at a time, depending on whatever mood I may be in.  There are posts which I have spent lots of time on, but have never published.  Much of my inspiration comes from the books that I read or the spiritual issues that I find myself trying to figure out.  As Steve so astutely pointed out, writing about the things that have formed mud puddles in my mind greatly assists the thinking process.  I see that as an immediately tangible benefit.

The real benefit is what I am providing for future generations, knowing that even the mundane may be seen as fascinating for those who see the 20th century as being ancient history.  Kids, this is your inheritance.  Enjoy!


  1. I'm touched more than you know!

    I started blogging the first year I lived on Iris... perhaps in some way your family was the inspiration... Actually, I was on maternity leave, and my employer asked me to blog, to bring viewers up-to-speed. At the time, I didn't even know what a blog was!

    Once I figured it out, I started to really enjoy it. In the beginning, it was a way to stay connected to family and friends who are out-of-town. I wanted them to see what kind of trouble the kids were getting into, and I have a terrible memory. I knew there was no way I'd remember each story, to recount on the phone.

    Now it's evolved. I consider myself a family journalist. I tell our family's story through pictures and words (much like what I do for a living). I LOVE it. It's a way to stay connected to friends and family, but now it's for us. One day, when I'm old, I fully intend to have the entire thing printed. It will likely cost a fortune. I think there are already more than 1500 posts. Before I print our family's story, I really should dig through and edit it. But, I won't. I'll have a huge, not-always-appropriate, book bound and on our coffee table. It will be our family's story.

    It's not always pretty, or PC, but it's honest. Looking back at the days makes me laugh and remember kids' antics and quirks that would otherwise be long forgotten.

    That's why I blog. The fact that you enjoy it warms my heart. Thank you!

  2. I started blogging in 2006 because I had an idea for a book. I thought blogging would give me an outlet for seeing what I had to say: would it be enough for a book? That is yet to be determined.

    Then I discovered blogging communities in 2007. This was a big draw for me: real people writing their own blogs and our shared experiences and lives. Relationships. New people, old friends - I loved it.

    Now I try to find a balance between mommy-blogging, spiritual blogging, and general networking. Kind of like life, I guess. I share your plea for everyone to start blogging - at least a little - because I love seeing how others are handling this thing called life.

    I'm currently thinking of slowing down my blogging schedule for the sake of some other writing and studying I want to accomplish. But I could never give it up altogether. I'm hooked on the relational benefits!
