Man...Gary Pinkel.
Knowing people is nice. I saw an executive from a record company this week who gave me a CD which I'm not sure has even been released yet. It's "God's Not Dead" from DC Talk...I mean, the Newsboys. Anyway, I figured the worship album from rock groups got old years ago, but the Newsboys have one now. I must say, it is outstanding. When it hits the stores, check it out. Good stuff.
Remember when I used to blog?
I ran four miles this morning. The first two miles was into the wind and I was cursing the winter weather. After turning around, the last two miles were with the wind at my back and I was cursing the summer conditions. Darn wind.
I think I finally paid off my credit card balances for last Christmas and here we are. I propose to have Christmas every other year. Wouldn't that make it more know, kind of like the Olympics. Besides, then I would know what it feels like to be financially solvent again. Actually, we can still have Christmas, just without the gift-giving. Gift-giving is every odd year, so as not too get too busy with presidential elections, the Olympics, my sister-in-law's birthday and all those other things which keep us on our toes during the even-numbered years. Anyone with me on this idea? (Occupy Retailers!)
Gary Gary Gary.
The next two months may be the scariest two months ever for me. My daughter turns 13 next month and in January, I turn 40. Forty! I'm too young to have a child who will be getting her driver's license in three years. I'm too young to be 40! I need some Calgon. (Or do housewives who watch daytime soaps the only ones who get the benefit of Calgon?)
James or Colossians?
In case I forget to think about it next week, I want to express how thankful I am for so many things. Today as I was looking at myself in the mirror I had this weird self-awareness moment where I thought "Well, that's you. You made the cut. You got the chance to live and breathe and look at yourself in the mirror." I'm thankful for life. It's a weird thing and I don't understand anything about it, but I'm grateful that I got to be a part of the universe and history.
As I type this, I am watching my son eat (or lick) Fun Dip right now. Wow...has anything ever at one time in life seemed so amazing and now sounds totally disgusting as Fun Dip? Why yes...that would be Circus Peanuts. (No offense to all of you who still dip from time to time.)
If you are ever bored and need something to entertain you for 30 minutes, I highly recommend you find and watch the Seinfeld episode known as "Muffin Top." It's not one of the episodes normally talked about whenever a Seinfeld conversation inevitably strikes up. However, I challenge you to watch this episode and then describe everything that goes on in it to a friend in less than 40 minutes. It's a testament to Larry David, Jerry Seinfeld and the writers of that show that they were somehow able to regularly weave an unbelievable number of plot threads into a 24-minute TV show.
I bet Gary Pinkel could use some cheering up. The Muffin Top episode might just do the trick. No, on second thought, Gary just needs some Calgon.